“Jesus then came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, ‘Behold, the Man!’”
To know the pain and suffering that Jesus took on our behalf is to know His love for us. The crown of thorns the soldiers placed on His head was meant for pain as well as mockery. They claimed He was only a man and laughed at the thought of Him being a king. The truth is that He is God, the King of kings, who became man to take the suffering that we deserved. Thorns that came as a curse for our sin were on the head of the One who was sinless. This drawing is meant to capture a glimpse of His suffering in order to also reveal His love for us and glorify Him for who He truly is: ‘Behold the King!’
Prints for purchase and videos of the final drawing are COMING SOON!